Top 5 Factors that can worsen Sleep Apnea

Consider these Top 5 lifestyle variables that can aggravate sleep apnea, and begin treating them right away for better sleep and general health.

1. Weight Gain and Obesity

Your body weight is a crucial component in sleep apnea symptoms; in fact, almost 70% of OSA patients are obese. Obesity raises the chance of obstructive sleep apnea, as well as hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes

2. Medications

Some medications can make your sleep apnea symptoms worse by relaxing your throat muscles, which can restrict your upper airway. This can include things like:

  • Muscle relaxants
  • Benzodiazepines like Xanax or Valium
  • Painkillers, particularly opioids
  • Sleep aids

3. Sleeping Position

Sleeping on your back might aggravate sleep apnea because your tongue can slide back into your throat and block your airway.

4. Alcohol and Sleep Apnea

Alcohol relaxes muscles, including the muscles in your throat and tongue. To avoid this, don’t drink alcohol within a few hours of going to bed.

5. Smoking and Sleep Apnea

Smoking can cause a variety of respiratory difficulties, including sleep apnea. Cigarette smoke irritates your upper airway, as well as your throat, tongue, soft palate, and other areas.


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