The Ultimate Guide to Camping With Your CPAP

Not only is camping with sleep apnea possible, but we’ll also show you how to make the most of your trip and make it truly fun! When it comes to utilizing your CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure: CPAP full form) machine while camping, you have two alternatives. Alternatively, you can:

  • Only stay at a campsite with a power outlet.
  • Use a CPAP Battery to take your therapy off the grid.

Visit a Campsite with Electricity

A CPAP uses electricity and a powered campground will provide the advantage of giving all of the electricity you’ll need for your therapy without the necessity for as many compromises in equipment. When using battery power to power your CPAP machine, you’ll notice that using a heated humidifier will drain the battery much faster than it would otherwise, drastically reducing therapeutic runtime.

Carry Batteries

CPAP batteries allow you to travel further away from civilization, but the amount of time you may be away is restricted. The majority of CPAP battery packs will last one to two nights before needing to be recharged.

3 Tips for Bringing Your CPAP Camping

Tip 1: When camping, consider using a portable CPAP machine.
Tip 2: Stay away from power inverters.
Tip 3: Consider using solar power to charge your battery.


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