Common Challenges faced while using CPAP Masks

What are the top 5 most common challenges faced while using CPAP masks?

1. CPAP Mask fitting is not right

For effective treatment and results, finding the perfect mask that fits your face well is highly important when using the CPAP machine.


a) Find a mask that’s right for your face

b) Learn how to put on your mask properly

c) Adjust for facial changes over time

2. The CPAP mask is leaking

If you hear or feel your CPAP mask leaking then you must not ignore it as this is a common but concerning problem.


a) Mask fitting

b) Getting a new CPAP mask

3. Stuffy and Dry Nose because of CPAP Mask

Some CPAP users experience symptoms of sinus and a stuffy and dry nose when exposed to air pressure.


a) Use a heated tube humidifier

b) Using a Nasal Saline spray

4. Feeling Claustrophobic while using CPAP Mask

When you use your CPAP mask, there are chances that you might feel odd and a little claustrophobic.


a) Use an alternative type of mask

b) Use the Mask in stages

c) Try wearing the mask outside of the bed

5. Removing the CPAP mask unintentionally while you sleep

It’s common among CPAP users to wake up and find that they have unintentionally removed their CPAP masks while sleeping.


a) Try Full face masks

b) Set an alarm for checking


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